What is more is that a few weeks ago, I decided to make a change, but I didn't really commit to it. I made a plan and proceeded to tell no one about my plan. This lack of accountability meant that I didn't fight for it when my initial momentum faded. So I want this to be different: this time, I want everyone to know about my plan. I want to put my progress out there for all to see.
It's scary to be open about the things that are not working about me. It's scary to admit in a very public way that I have some very bad habits. It is scary to admit that I am not one of those people who can just change these habits through sheer will without forcing myself into some radical accountability.

This is a full-body picture of what I look like right now that was taken in June. According to Strava, I have run only 50 times this year. I have gone from a social drinker to a nightly drinker. I have gone from having a mostly healthy diet to hoovering up anything I want.
The Plan
I have been working on and off with the Handel Group for a number of years now. One of their tools is making promises for actions to take towards a goal, and putting in a consequence if the promise is not adhered to. Here are mine:
(1) Eat only what I know supports my physical and mental health and performance. I know that I do best on a Paleo-style diet, omitting sugar, grains, and dairy from my diet. My plan is to eat this way 90% of the time with the option of one "free" meal a week. I will be posting my food to my new Twitter account (@badassmrg). Consequence: if I cheat on this plan, I have to re-tweet something from Donald Trump to both Twitter accounts (@MGreenePhD is my professional account).
(2) Ramping down my drinking. This week, I will have no more than 1 drink a day. Next week, I will have no more than 4x/week. Week after that, 2x/week, and then 1x/week from there on out. Consequence: if I cheat on this plan, I have to re-tweet something from Donald Trump to both Twitter accounts.
(3) I will run at least one mile a day at least six days a week. I will post all workouts to Strava and @badassmrg. Consequence: I do not get to watch The Daily Show until I have done my workout.
(4) I will follow my Gymnastics Bodies strength program 3 days a week and stretching program 3 days a week. Consequence: I do not get to watch The Daily Show until I have done my workout.
If you are reading this, thank you in advance for your support. It means the world to me!